Chung Kwok Chow - IWCARF 02 - Long Range Entry Moves (Integrative Wing Chun All-Range Fighting Series) How to use kicks and hands to bridge the gap safely. How to use sticky hands to take control. Learn powerful Integrative Wing Chun techniques, from entry to sticky hands. Running time: Approx 53 mins. Resolution: 720x480 Sifu Chow, a native of Hong Kong, has been studying and teaching Wing Chun for over 35 years. He trained in many styles, but discovered that Wing Chun has one of the best sets of theories, which can be developed into different ranges of fighting. Today, the Integrative Wing Chun that Sifu Chow developed is an all range fighting system, which covers stand-up, long-range, close-range, takedown range and ground-grappling range fighting.
