Wing Chun Butterfly Swords - Hidden-Tang Premium Line Model
Special Order: This is a special custom order for a pair of our Premium line of swords. The wait time is currently 6-12 months. We are proud to offer these swords at this price/wait time. It is a fraction of the cost/wait to get a high-quality custom sword made anywhere else. Your order will include shipping to your door, but not any VAT/Border/Import taxes.
This listing is a work in progress. While you can find what most of the options are by looking at other swords on the site some options we don't have pictures of (yet). Please email with any questions.
We have temporarily added a "training-grade" option to the custom orders. This is temporary while we still are waiting on stock from the forge. Weapons-grade has a true full tang, refined polish/finish, high quality construction, fit, feel, balance, etc. Training-grade is hidden partial tang welded in place. Training grade has an unrefined polish, is not tapered, has a thicker 420 Stainless steel blade, smaller D-Guard thickness and handle thickness (so you can wrap the handle), blunt 3mm edge, etc. Overall it is a quicker and cheaper construction and slightly different d-guards, etc. Generally speaking - you don't want to custom order training grade. We do production runs of training swords and TRY to keep them in stock. If it's a sword we have in our queue you are better off waiting for it (email us to ask). If it is not, or you need a special size or etc, then go ahead. Please try to pick only the options for training grade all the way down. (steels, handles, pins, etc) until we get a new listing just for training grade orders. Mixing and matching is generally not to your advantage. We designed the training swords the way we did for specific reasons.
