Bundle - Chu Shong Tin - 1998 Seminar Set (Tsui Sheung Tin) Yip Man's 3rd Hong Kong Disciple, Chu Shong Tin, teaches you Sil Lum Tao, Chum Kiu, and Chi Sao in a semi-private setting! Over 9 hours of lectures on 3 DVDs. Now for the first time ever! * Disk 1 Chu Shong Tin - 1998 Australia Seminar DVD: Sil Lum Tao * Disk 2 Chu Shong Tin - 1998 Australia Seminar DVD: Chum Kiu * Disk 3 Chu Shong Tin - 1998 Australia Seminar DVD: Chi Sao Dear Wing Chun Student, I don't know if you have noticed but there is a real lack of quality instruction on the art of Wing Chun in video format. I'm not saying there are not some good DVDs out there, because they are, but most are just glossing over the surface of things you most likely already know. You may pick up a point or two, but for the most part they are just a reference tool, not a learning tool. I couldn't watch it without taking notes! The first time I started to watch Chu Shong Tin's (Tsui Sheung Tin's) seminar I knew what I was seeing was different. I stopped about 30 minutes into it. I got up and closed my door, got a pen and paper, took the phone off the hook and started over. After the first hour I had over 10 pages of notes! I wasn't even 1/10th of the way done! I don't know about you, but I had never taken notes off a video before (with, perhaps, the exception of videos from my personal lineage), but with Master Chu I just couldn't help it! I knew I had to write it down so it would stay with me and I wouldn't forget. Since I come from a different lineage I usually just watch videos with a passing interest to see how other people train, just to be knowledgeable about the art in general. I never take notes on anything. Since Wing Chun is based mainly on theory it can be interpreted and used in many different ways. This can make it hard for you to learn from another lineage. What may be true for one lineage is not true for another. Take weight distribution, for example. It ranges from 50-50 to almost 90-10. If the lineages that keep their weight balanced try to fight like the ones that keep their weight on the back leg all the time it won't work right, and vice versa. Most of what Master Chu teaches transcends lineages. Not matter who teaches you Wing Chun, you can learn something from Master Chu! I had never seen things explained the way Master Chu explained them. Things that I had heard before, but did not understand, started making sense. I didn't even know I didn't understand them until he explained them. The way Wing Chun uses circles and triangles started clicking and I was soon able to diagram many techniques and positions in a new light! I can't begin to describe how much I actually learned from these DVDs! There is too much to list! I wanted to list here some of the things you will learn on these DVDs, but I honestly haven't had the time. These DVDs are so packed with information it would take me a good 12 hours to just list out the highlights. You will learn 3 hours of Sil Lum Tao, 3 Hours of Chum Kiu, and 3 Hours of Chi Sao secrets that can take your Wing Chun to the next level! Master Chu lived with Yip Man for about five years when he first started training, and was the first student of Yip Man's to teach privately. During the first five years he got to the point of starting to learn the long pole. This means his foundations of Wing Chun were learned while living with Yip Man. One of the first sentences on the Chi Sao DVD is Master Chu saying he will show Chi Sao the way Yip Man taught him! No wonder these DVDs are some of the best material on Wing Chun today! Sample of information covered within just the first third of the Chi Sao DVD: - You will hear Master Chu's own thinking on Sticking Hands and he'll explain and teach Chi Sao the way Yip Man taught him.
- How Chi Sao helps you find a way to apply force to the opponent and maintain your power and structure.
- How Chi Sao increases your chances of winning in a fight.
- He covers single Chi Sao, double Chi Sao, and Free Sparring.
- Finding your strongest point and your opponent's weakest.
- Watch Master Chu keep his Taun Sao structure and upset the balance of guys twice his size trying to pull and tear his arm down.
- How to find the strongest point in your structure.
- How to fight bigger opponents without your structure breaking.
- Details on the Tan, Fook, and Bong hands for single Chi Sao.
- How to make the opponent feel your body mass at all times.
- How to use structure with the Tan Sao to dissolve the force it meets, so your arm doesn't get tired or forced downward when an opponent's Fook Sao is applied.
- What to do when the other person is moving your hands away from the center and gaining the advantage.
- How to use Bong correctly and why it doesn't need any force. How to use the Bong in application vs in Chi Sao.
- How to use body mass to move the opponent and upset his balance so you don't have to use as much force.
- Watch how Master Chu finds his opponent's weakest point upon contact and uses body mass and structure to upset the balance and clear an opening for attack.
- Watch Master Chu toss about guys three times his size!
- Learn to use your body mass, not your hands, to attack the other person.
- How to try to upset your opponent's balance all the time so you can get in.
- Gain a fuller understanding of Chi Sao through Master Chu's demonstrations on multiple students and as he answers their questions.
- These are just some of things covered in the first hour of a 3 hour DVD!
Get them Today! Language: | | Cantonese with English Translator | Length: | | 178 min/each = 9 hours+ | Format: | | NTSC | DVD Type: | | DVD-R | DVD Region: | | Region 0: Region Free | Note: These DVDs were converted with permission from the original 10 VCD set. The quality of the footage is therefore VCD quality, not DVD. The DVDs are in Chinese with an English translator. The sound quality is only fair because of the fans in the background, but you can hear everything. Note: Everything Wing Chun is the ONLY LEGAL distributor of these videos in any format. If you do not buy them from us then they are a pirated copy! Many Wing Chun masters are reluctant to continue making videos or release old footage due to piracy. Anything we can do to help curb this theft will help promote the art of Wing Chun and secure more rare footage in the future.
Customer/3rd Party Review - This review was done by a customer/3rd party and is listed here for you reference only. The views and opinions of the reviewer are not those of Everything Wing Chun and do not necessarily reflect EWC's views or opinions on the subject matter. It is posted, like all customer reviews, to give you more info on the product and to give you different opinions on a product so that you can make the best decision for yourself about its content. The review is NOT by an EWC employee or contractor and EWC cannot stand by anything said in any customer/3rd party review. Enjoy!
Reviewer: George Hernandez
Date: February 15, 2011
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Technical Specifications: Title: Chu Shong Tin - 1998 Wing Chun Seminar Part 1, Siu Nim Tao Language: English Region: All Format: DVD-R Number of Disk: 1 Length: approximately three hours (This presentation was converted from VHS for DVD access, the menu will refer to each section of the DVD, as Disk 1, 2, in depth and 3, respectfully). Please note, there is only one disk and that the conversion process from one media type to another, presents the same quality as the original production. Part one - Siu Nim Tao, 0:59:42 Part two - Siu Nim Tao, 0;59:08 Part three - Siu Nim Tao, 0:59:34
Video Quality: Average Audio Quality: Poor, 2 out of 5
What Its About:
This DVD presents in-depth demonstration and discussion regarding the principles of Wing Chuns first form, Siu Nim Tao.
Master Chu, specifically in part 1, devotes his attention to Siu Nim Tao, Wing Chuns first form. As in his previous series on Wing Chun basics he gives considerable amount of time to talking about and demonstrating the importance it has in building a sound foundation in Wing Chun. He describes the three levels of training from the stance to moving. Those who are knowledgeable about Wing Chun knows what is meant about centerline theory in this system - the benefit of the forms structure and how the notion of focus and circular motion relates to this form. Many martial artists outside of the Wing Chun practice regard this martial art system as strictly linear - while in principle it is not. Master Chu demonstrates this basic principle of circle motion inherent in the Siu Nim Tao form through example and the use of simple props.
Of critical importance in this presentation, Master Chus, demonstration of the use of the Mind Force in rotating the elbow moving from a Tao Sao to a Bong Sao position, while a person is attempting to use pure strength to control movement using a Foot Sao hand - through relaxation, projection of the Mind Force and by using ones body mass effectively, clearly shows that no matter how much force is used it can be neutralized. The use of some of these simple techniques Master Chu gracefully shows the value of literally forgetting about the forearm while focusing on the hand; its target and direct control from the elbow. He says _relax and attack at the same time.
In demonstrating simple but yet practical techniques, Master Chu, goes into further detail showing how important it is in finding your center of gravity and relaxing your body. He also shows how elbow force is generated with support from the shoulder and the structure of the stance. Again, in this demonstration he emphasizes the application of circular motion in Siu Nim Tao; its forward punch, he says _punching means to expand your circleî, the concept and application of this technique also apples when you withdrawal the arm from the centerline.
This DVD is packed with substantial demonstrations, discussion about technique and employs the use of visual props to get the crucial points across regarding the principles of Siu Nim Tao. The key points in this presentation, is structure of the stance, the use of the body mass and the Mind Force.
For the martial art enthusiast, beginning students and the experienced teacher, this series would be an excellent addition to ones martial arts DVD collection and is well worth the investment in seeing a real Wing Chun master teach!
Reviewer: George Hernandez
Date: February 15, 2011
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Technical Specifications: Title: Chu Shong Tin - 1998 Wing Chun Seminar Part 2, Chum Kiu Language: English Region: All Format: DVD-R Number of Disk: 2 Length: approximately three hours (This presentation was converted from VHS for DVD access, the menu will refer to each section of the DVD, as Disk 1, 2, and 3, respectfully). Please note, there is only one disk and that the conversion process from one media type to another, presents the same quality as the original production. DVD Length: Part one - Chum Kiu, 0:59:21 Part two - Chum Kiu, 0:59: 46 Part three - Chum Kiu, 0:59:20
Video Quality: Average Audio Quality: Poor, 2 out of 5
What Its About:
This DVD explores the basics of the Chum Kiu form through demonstration and discussion with seminar participants in Australia.
If you ever had questions about how to describe and demonstrate the principles of the Chum Kiu, this DVD will help you out. As in Master Chus previous presentations, he again gives strong emphasis to Siu Num Tao, as the foundation of Chum Kiu, Wing Chuns second form. He shows elegantly, how the second form is used while coming in contact with a person and the principle of moving to the side, while controlling the center line.
The power and concept of the circle in his demonstration, becomes quite evident as the _body massî rotates showing the effectiveness of the Chum Kiu form. The idea of the circle and understanding its purpose in the movement of Chum Kui, is so crucial. Master Chu describes and demonstrates, how powerful the second form becomes in changing direction while defending and attacking at the same time. Master Chu demonstrates how technique from the second form, in just using one arm is capable of controlling the two arms of the other person while creating an opening exposing the persons head and chest region. He states that Chum Kiu provides the fundamentals in learning how to change your movement with the situation.
For those interested in kicking techniques, Master Chu provides ample demonstration of how the legs should be used. He tells his students, that one must learn how to use their body mass and project it into the striking leg - while rotating or pivoting within the structure of the form. It is obvious that in leg techniques, one must also use the mind force for kicks to be effective.
This DVD provides the viewer with excellent instruction in the second form, its applications using the hands and feet, was well as the essential principles that make it all work. You would be wise to add this edition to your collection of Master Chus DVD Wing Chun series.
Reviewer: George Hernandez
Date: February 15, 2011
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Technical Specifications: Title: Chu Shong Tin - 1998 Wing Chun Seminar Part 3. Chi Sao Language: English Region: All Format: DVD-R Number of Disk: 3 Length: approximately three hours (This presentation was converted from VHS for DVD access, the menu will refer to each section of the DVD, as Disk 1, 2, and 3, respectfully). Please note, there is only one disk and that the conversion process from one media type to another, presents the same quality as the original production. Part one - Chi Sao, Q/A, 0:59:26 Part two - Double Chi Sao, Q/A 0:59:04 Part three - Focusing, Rolling Hands, Q/A, 0:58:39
Video Quality: Average Audio Quality: Poor, 2 out of 5
What Its About:
Chi Sao is perhaps one of the most advance methods to train for very close fighting situations. Instruction starts off with basic first form hand techniques and advances to more complex applications which include the legs. Master Chu provides a thorough explanation and demonstration of Chi Sao principles in single and double hand training. And shows how applications are done within the context of movement with persons different in size and strength.
Master Chu points out that in real fighting you do not want to stick with the hand and that maintaining ones focus and structure will allow your hand to get to where it needs to go - that is to its target. Chi Sao practice will provide you with the training to develop this skill. He further states, that Chi Sao is designed to help you discover your strongest point and use it against the other persons weakest point.
The practice of Chi Sao provides the experience of developing strength in your stance and where to place your hands at the best contact point of the other person. Applying the mind force is crucial in this practice and how to counter incoming movements. Mind Force, does not mean applying muscle! He demonstrates the principle of the mind force in showing how muscular force alone from someone using a strong fook Sao hand can be easily overcome by changing the Tan Sao hand to a Bong Sao position in a circular fashion using the body mass while the Bong Sao hand moves toward the persons center.
It you attempt to do this by using shoulder strength, alone, it just wont work! The key to success in this technique is to relax, he said, which is to use ones natural movement which is quite capable in moving the person off balance and away from their centerline. Remember, in Chi Sao practice the focus is always forward and during training with a partner you want to find each others weakest point.
Master Chu stresses, that one should be able to use the Chi Sao without any muscular strength! Again to do so, youre working against the principles of the Wing Chun system. Using just muscle will essentially allow you to attack in only one direction; this is such a beautiful statement he makes in describing the power of natural movement.
There is so much good information and demonstrations on this DVD; where youre shown how to train properly in the Chi Sao - its filled with real gems throughout. Ive only touched on a few salient points to show the immense depth of the concepts and principles Master Chu provides in this excellent DVD series.
Critical Notes: As we had discussed the sound quality on these DVDs, is generally poor. You can however, figure out whats being said if you listen very carefully with earphones. But, its really a chore and one has to be awfully diligent, if you want to understand the dialogue. The real instructional value of these DVDs often is not what is said, but what is demonstrated by Master Chu. Consequently, youll benefit if you attended these seminars or if youre an experienced practitioner or Wing Chun instructor. Also I found it tremendously difficult to describe in a narrative outline what was on these DVDs. Essentially, these DVDs were not presented in a scripted instructional format. They are actually a transcript of what went on during the seminar and therefore the presentation style and material covered is somewhat random in nature.
Content Overview: Siu Nim Tao, Disc 1
- Introduction
- The purpose of the Siu Nim Tao form.
- The three stages of Learning.
- Establishing Structure
- Focusing
- The Mind force
- Centerline
- The basic Ma Bo Stance of Siu Nim Tao
- The Triangle of Siu Nim Tao
- The circular motion of Suit Nib Tao.
- Developing personal power.
- The circular motion in Suit Nib Tao.
- Using both hands and arms in Suit Nib Tao.
- Using the Mind force in maintaining structure.
- Demonstration in using the Mind Force
- Bong Sao- Rolling forward.
- Fook Sao and Tan Sao application.
- Using your center of gravity.
- Using your structure in stopping the other persons force.
- Forget about the using the forearm.
- Learn how to relax to attack at the same time using the shoulder.
- Remember the mind generates the Mind Force
- Demonstration of generating power through relaxation
- First two methods.
- Elbow force supported by your shoulder.
- Support from the use of the proper stance, dont tense your form.
- The circular movement.
- Punching means to expand your circle
- Using the circle in punching forward and bringing it back.
- Bring the persons force down to the floor.
- Proper position in two hand rotation.
- Demonstration of using the circle.
- Bong Sao - application of the inside circle using the shoulder
- To move to the outside circle
- Using your strongest points against the persons weakest points.
- Learning how to change your point of focus.
- Demonstration of the Siu Nim Tao form
- Master Chu demonstrates the full form at normal speed.
Content Overview, Chi Sao, 1998 Seminar, Disc 2
- Introduction
- The Purpose of the Second Form- chum Kiu
- Chum Kiu, based on Siu Nim Tao
- Rotation, the frist stage in learning Chum Kiu.
- The Dynamics of Chum Kiu
- The Two Way Force in the second form.
- Pushing from the side.
- Moving force to the side.
- Emphasis on the rotation of the body-mass.
- Rotation generates power without tension or using muscle.
- Using the center of gravity.
- Learning how to properly rotate before doing the application.
- Applying force from two different directions-attaching with the same force.
- Using the sloping elbow downward motion.
- The method of sinking the elbow.
- Chum Kiu has several types of rotation.
- The axis of the body, brining the body mass to the contact point.
- Moving the axis to the front of the body.
- Using the Mind Force at the contact point to stop the persons power.
- Chum Kiu Essentials.
- The purpose of the side stepping movement.
- Using the body mass to control the other persons sense of balance.
- Disabling the persons centerline defense.
- Maintaining the integrity of the circle is the key to success.
- Learning how to change ones movement with the situation.
- Stepping pattern is used to redirect the persons force.
- Applying the body mass and projecting it into the legs.
- The height of the knee determines the placement of the kick or point of impact.
- The importance of concentrating the body mass at the contact point either by the hand or leg.
Content Overview, Chi Sao, 1998 Seminar, Disc 3
- Introduction - Chi Sao Basics.
- Sticky hands or Chi Sao, how to maintain focus and structure.
- Know the weakest points through observation and feel.
- Attacking at the weakest points.
- Using chi Sao to find the best contact point of the other person.
- Using Chi Sao to find your strongest point in relationship to your stance.
- Use the Chi Sao practice to learn finding each others weak points.
- Chi Sao is not you hit me, I hit you exercise. Dont fight each other.
- Learn how to relax and feel the other person.
- f. The application of force is always forward.
- Using the proper stance and focus of the Mind Force.
- The purpose of the Single Chi Sao is in finding the weak and strong points.
- Using the4 body to be at the contact point at all times.
- Chi Sao and the Tan Sao and Huen Sao hand
- The circle and how its connected to the shoulder.
- Changing from Tan Sao to a Bong Sao hand - rolling toward the center.
- When moving to a Bong Sao hand use no muscular force, but roll the circle outward.
- Controlling the persons center from the Tan Sao hand while moving to the side for a punch.
- The concept of chasing the center.
- Demonstration of Double Rolling or Double Chi Sao Basics
- Keeping the circular structure, which is maintained constantly through
- The body mass is always in contact dont attempt to use forearm force or muscle.
- One hand moves downward while rotating and the other hand attacks the center.
- The Bong Sao Hand in Chi Sao
- Its forward /downward movements and maintaining focus.
- Using the Mind Force depends on the movement of the other person.
- In preparing for attack, any movement can be used.
- All movements can be used for defense and attack.
- Relax! Remember that muscle force only allows the person to attack in one direction.
- Crucial Chi Sao objectives
- Concentrate on the practice of rolling, rather than sparring.
- Learning to control your center.
- Learning how to use rotation to redirect the persons force.
- Chasing the circle.
- Master Chu demonstrates various Wing Chun hands in Chi Sao
- The Kuen Sao hand
- The Bong Sao Hand
- The Gum Sao Hand
- The bil Jee Hand
- Bending the elbow to create relaxed force.
Additional Customer Reviews: "The Closest Thing to Yip Man Himself! I just dont know where to begin when discussing this set of seminars, but Ill give it a go. Firstly, I would advise anyone considering purchasing these seminar videos to get the whole series. If you only get one you will definitely want to get them all. Secondly, Master Chu Shong Tin must be the closest thing youll get to watching the legendary Grand Master Yip Man. He just has that feel about him. He is so subtle, skilled and effortless. He appears to be the archetypal Wing Chun Master. To look at him he is slight of build and yet he effortlessly moves 200lb guys around. Master Chu shows you why Siu Lim Tao is structured the way it is, how to apply it and how to integrate it into Chum Kiu and then Chi Sao. His use of circular movement demonstrates that, unlike popular belief, Wing Chun is far from being just a linear system. For me, this was the first time I had seen the rattan ring used to demonstrate Chi Sau. I used it right away. Master Chu will slowly guide you through the system, picking out the most important and relevant parts and showing the proper applications. Finally, the translation is excellent. The young woman does a fantastic job in recapping the information given by Master Chu. Now for the down side. Not too much to complain about, but there are a few niggles. My first small gripe is that the sound quality becomes quite bad in places. Next, I have to say this, but it is all a bit dry at times. I had to turn the seminar off after a while because there is so much to take in, and Master Chu does go over the same ground a lot. You have to bear in mind that the full set is made up of hours and hours of seminar time. This can become a chore, but hey, thats what remote controls are for. Also, as was previously stated, you will need a note book if you want to properly digest what is on offer here. As a final point, if you have no knowledge of Wing Chun then this is not a training video. These seminars are aimed at hard core Wing Chunners with knowledge of the system. Master Chu will show you where you can improve, regardless of how good you THINK you are. You see, Wong Shun Leung will give you that sense of real combat, Benny Meng can seem very technical but simple, Sam Kwok lets you see that you can hide a dragon under the small movements and Leung Ting can flatter with fancy techniques. But, Master Chu is, without doubt, the closest thing Ive seen to Yip Man apart from the Great Grand Master himself." Dr. Barry. R. Hutchinson Four Seasons Wing Chun "I've been involved in Wing Chun since I started my training in 1994. I've personally worked with 8 different Wing Chun teachers, from several lineages. I've worked with some very poor teachers, and a few exceptional ones. My current teacher was trained by master Chu Shong Tin in the 70's, and is the most powerful of all the teachers that I've worked with. I acquired the 3 DVD set primarily out of curiosity, not because I actually thought there would be much depth of material in the DVD set. After all, you can't learn anything from a video, right? Chu Shong Tin was my teacher's teacher, so I mainly wanted to see how he moves. There is sooooo much more in these DVDs than mere movement. Though I had already learned about 'mind force' as master Chu teaches it, I got a broader interpretation after watching the SNT video. Though I had already had a rudimentary understanding of the use of the circle within Wing Chun, the Chu Shong Tin way, in the DVD master Chu went into greater detail regarding its use. Prior to tasting the Chu Shong Tin way, no other teacher has ever explained the Wing Chun circle, and I venture to guess many Wing Chun teachers are unaware of the Wing Chun circle. The use of the circle within Wing Chun is quite profound. I have worked my way through the 3 DVD set and have started over again, taking notes. I had missed so much watching them the first time. I can't list all the things that are revealed within these DVDs, because there is too much to list, but I will tell you that I used to wonder why nobody could ever just explain what laid beneath the movements of the Wing Chun forms. You might be shown the choreography of the movements, but rarely the purpose of the movements, even with hands-on instruction. Well, if you want to understand the true purpose of the movements in the first two forms, look no further. This subject matter transcends all Wing Chun lineages and is of great value to any Wing Chun practitioner. I highly recommend this 3 DVD set. Over the years I have spent thousands of dollars on my Wing Chun training. I can tell you that there is more to learn within these 3 DVDs than I learned in my first 4 years of training with my first Wing Chun teacher. $100 is quite a bargain. Thank you master Chu!" Brent Parkinson
