Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal - 3 Hands Deep - Wing Chun Talking Hands (3 DVD set)
Sifu Singh is a descendant of an unbroken lineage of masters, He has spent years studying with masters and eating the bitter pill, training and teaching so he can pass on the ancient arts to a modern, cutting edge audience. His science of movement, fighting, wellness, and strategy is an evolution of a global journey spanning continents and cultures. It culminates in the present system which he teaches to Navy SEALS,U.S. Secret Service, SWAT Commanders and Police Captains, executives, FBI, CIA, CEO's, DEA, professional athletes, elite law enforcement personnel throughout the United States, as well as other foreign and domestic military and intelligence agencies. When the situation demands impeccability and zero margin of error, Singh is called upon to train our nation's most elite fighting forces.
3 Hours 5 Mins (44 min, 70 mins, 71 mins)
Vol 1 - Concepts, Principles, & Structures
Vol 2 - Speed, Timing & Reflex Development
Vol 3 - Wing Chun Structure Adapted to Grappling & Kicking
Be sure to read the review from Wing Chun Illustrated on the blog: http://www.shopwingchun.com/wci-review-harinder-sinhg-sabharwal-3-hands-deep-vol-1-3/
Outline of what you will learn:
The 5 Ranges of Combat
The Advantages of Trapping
The 5 Gates
How to Attack Straight Jabs & Crosses with Biu Jee and Bil Sao
How to Time the Jab with the Bil Sao
Details of the Toi Sao Biu Jee
How to Attack Straight Jabs and Crosses to the Body
a. Pac Sao Da
b. Pac Sao and Then Back Fist
c. Fook Sao and Then Same Hand Hits
How to Deal with Elliptical Hooks to the Head
How to Deal with Elliptical Hooks to the Body
The 6 Reference points in Trapping and Grappling
a. Show Chi-Sao Reference Points
b. Show Wrestling Overlap of Positions
The 3 Pac Sao Fundamentals
a. Shuffle In
b. Pin the Hand and Pac to the Center
c. Retract the Da to the Centerline
The 5 Placements of the Pac Sao Da
a. Outside High
b. Split, Inside Wu Sao
c. Split, Outside Wu Sao
d. Pac Sao Ha Da ( Pac and Hit Low)
e. Jab Low counter with Pac Sao Da
The Timing of the Pac Sao Da(5 Times to Hit)
a. Initiation of Jab - Jeet Pac Sao Da
b. Jab is on it's way out
c. Jab is all the way out
d. Jab is on it's way back
e. Jab is retracted
Pac Sao Counters - How to Counter the Pac Sao with the Pac Sao on the "One-And" Beat.
a. Pac the Pac High
b. Pac the Pac Low
c. Pac the Pac Low & High
Pac Sao Counters - How to Counter the Pac Sao with the Lop Sao
Pac Sao Counters - How to Counter the Pac Sao with the Jao Sao
a. Jao Sao High the Pac Sao
b. Jao Sao Low the Pac Sao
Pac Sao Counters - How to Counter the Pac Sao with Kicks
a. Savate - Foutte
b. Pananjakman - Oblique Kick
3 Hands Deep - Pac/Pac/Biu Sao/Jut Sao Da
3 Hands Deep - Pac/Pac/Biu Sao/Jut Sao Da + Wu Sao Blocks
a. If Wu-Sao Crosses Centerline => Biu Sao + Follow-Up
b. If Wu-Sao Holds Centerline => Inside Pac Sao and Sut + Follow-Up
3 Hands Deep - Jao Sao Series
a. Jao Sao High-Low-High
b.Jao Sao Low-High-Low
3 Hands Deep - Jut Sao Series
a. Jut Sao & Hit with the Same Hand
b. Jut Sao & Hit with the Opposite Hand
c. Jut Sao Right, Jut Sao Left, Hit with the Right
d. Jut Sao Right, Jut Sao Left, Hit with the Right and the Left
3 Hands Deep - Wing Chun Sumbrada(Counter for Counter) Drill
3 Hands Deep - Pac/Bong/Tan Da - Defend Centerline Drill
3 Hands Deep - Pac/Bong/Tan Da - Defend and Attack Centerline Drill
3 Hands Deep - Ping Choi - Gua Choi
3 Hands Deep - Advanced Ping Choi Gua Choi - Attack the Attack
3 Hands Deep - Jab Low => Counter with Pac Da/Chun Choi/Chun Choi
3 Hands Deep - Jab Low => Counter with Pac Sao delay Gua Choi/Cross/Hook
3 Hands Deep - Jab Low => Fook Sao/Chun Choi/Hook a. Then do all three counters vs the Low Jab
3 Hands Deep - Jab High => Pac Sao and Jab Body => Ha Pac Sao Da => Pac Sao Gua Choi
3 Hands Deep - Jab High => Pac Sao and Jab Body => Ha Pac Sao Da => Jao Sao High
3 Hands Deep - Jab High => Pac Sao and Jab Body => Ha Pac Sao Da => Jao Sao High
a. Jao Sao Series
b. Jut Sao Series
c. Jao & Jut Combo
3 Hands Deep - The Beat with Man Sao
a. Ref Points - High Outside, High Inside
b. Counter the Boxing Counters
3 Hands Deep - Wrestling vs Pac Sao
a. Forearm stop/Jeet Sao vs Shoot
b. Head & Armpit Defense vs Shoot
3 Hands Deep - Wrestling vs Pac Sao a. Intercepting Knee(Jeet Que) vs Shoot
3 Hands Deep - Thai Clinch vs Pac Sao
a. Counter Pac Sao with Lop Sao & Clinch
b. Counter Pac Sao with Pac Sao & Clinch
c. Counter Pac Sao with Jao Sao straight to Clinch
d. Counter the 3 counters above with Tan Da and Boxing Punches
3 Hands Deep - Body Pummel vs Pac Sao
a. Counter Pac Sao with a Jao to a Body Swim
b. Counter Pac Sao with Jao to Body Swim to Shoot for Takedown
c. Counter "b" above with Jeet Jin Choi (Intercepting Uppercut)
d. Counter "b" above with Jeet Sao(Intercepting Forearm) to the Throat
e. Mix them all together
3 Hands Deap
a. Entering with the Biu Jee,
b. Single Biu Jee, Double Biu Jee, Triple Biu Jee
c. Biu Jee + Pac Sao 3 Beat Combinations
d. Biu Jee + Kicks + Biu Jee 3 Beat combinations
3 Legs Deep - Sumbrada Kicking Drill - Athletic Version
a. Partner A does a Low Now Tek(round kick), Partner B, uses counter time and simultaneously jumps and does a Foutte to the body.
b. Partner B then follow's up with a Coupe De Pied Bas from Savate, which Partner A responds to by evading, using the Hanging Leg.
3 Legs Deep - Details of the Spinning Low Heel Kick to the Ankle from Savate
3 Legs Deep - Sumbrada Kicking Drill - Athletic Version
a. Do the First two steps from what you have already learned.
b. Partner A does a Spinning Low Heel Kick, Partner B Evades the kick by using Toi Ma, and Jumping Up and Retreating upwards
c. Partner A then delivers a Spinning Reverse Kick from Savate, Partner B Ducks under the kick.
3 Legs Deep - Sumbrada Kicking Drill - Street Version
a. Partner A Low Foutte to the Shin, Partner B uses counter-time and jumps up and does a Savate Style Jumping Jeet Tek.
b. Partner B Feeds a Low Coupe De Pied Bas, Partner A responds with a Hanging Leg
c. Partner A feeds a low Coupe De Pied Bas, Partner B Side Steps and Evades by Raising the Knee, and then fires a Low Chase Bas to Partner' Leg
3 Hands &Legs Deep - Punch/Trap/Kick Drills, Combine the Ranges
a. Partner A Jabs
b. Partner B Inside Pac Sao & Biu Jee, Sut Sao(Hammer Fist), Lean Away and lead leg Savate Style Foutte to Partner's lead leg ankle
c. Partner A lifts his leg to avoid Partner B's lead leg Foutte, Partner B responds by turning the Lead Leg Foutte into a Lead Leg Chase to Partner's rear stationary leg, or support leg.
