Bundle - Ving Tsun Museum - Ip Man Wing Chun Collection The Ip Man System from the Ving Tsun Museum - This is one of the best sets for a beginner to learn by. Easy to follow forms and explanations are a hallmark of this series. The following items are included with this bundle: - Ip Man Wing Chun Series 1-2: Siu Nim Tao DVD
- Ip Man Wing Chun Series 3-4: Chum Kiu DVD
- Ip Man Wing Chun Series 5-6: Biu Ji DVD
- Ip Man Wing Chun Series 7: Dummy Section 1-4
- Ip Man Wing Chun Series 8: Dummy Section 5-8
- Ip Man Wing Chun Series 9: Luk Dim Boon Kwan - Wing Chun Long Pole
- Wing Chun Application Series 01: Trapping Hands
- Ip Man Wing Chun Series 11: 8 Slashing Sword (Pat Cham To)
Ip Man Wing Chun Series 1-2: Siu Nim Tao DVD by Benny Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum Siu Nim Tao - The Foundation contains both volumes 1 and 2 of the Siu Nim Tao Video Series. The first part presents a curriculum based on the compiled Siu Nim Tau knowledge of many Grand Masters trained by the late Grand Master Yip Man. It examines the motions and techniques, forms and body mechanics, attributes, concepts, tactics and applications. Each motion of the form is explained within the context of the Cantonese Chinese meaning. The information is presented in several formats throughout the video - solo, partner demonstration and application - giving you a chance to see the simplicity, directness, and efficiency of this Wing Chun lineage. The second part builds on the format demonstrated in the first volume, this time covering the fundamental exercises and drills. These exercises and drills directly relate to the Siu Nim Tau set, serving to build and develop skill and reinforce body mechanics. Paak Sau, Laahp Sau and Don Chi Sau are presented through motions and techniques, forms and body mechanics, attributes, concepts, tactics and applications. The Siu Nim Tau form is a textbook; these exercises and drills are the laboratory in which to explore that great book. After training at this fundamental stage, the student should have an understanding of stability and how to maintain his ground in a self-defense situation. Ip Man Wing Chun Series 3-4: Chum Kiu DVD by Benny Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum Chum Kiu - The Combat Bridge contains volumes 1 and 2 of the Chum Kiu video series. The first part builds on the two previous volumes, bringing you into the intermediate level of training. The Chum Kiu set introduces footwork and movement through body unity, teaching you how to generate power through all directions - up/down, twisting left/right, and stepping forward/backward/sideways. It examines the motions and techniques, forms and body mechanics, attributes, concepts, tactics and applications introduced in the Siu Nim Tau set, with the added dimension of movement. The information is presented in several formats throughout the video - solo, partner demonstration and application - giving you a chance to see the simplicity, directness, and efficiency of this Wing Chun lineage. The second part builds on the format demonstrated in the earlier three videos. The Chi Sau level of exercises and drills for the Chum Kiu student are presented. These exercises and drills directly relate to the Chum Kiu set, reinforcing body mechanics and introducing the element of stepping and dynamic balance in all directions. Luk Sau, Jip Sau, Jau Sau, Teui Mah, and Don Da are covered through motions and techniques, forms and body mechanics, attributes, concepts, tactics and applications. By having skill in these exercises and drills, the student is training his hands and body to be on "auto-pilot": to react spontaneously and correctly to changing situations. Yip Man once said that if a student ever lost a fight, having attained the skills of Siu Nim Tau and Chum Kiu, he would throw himself off the roof of the Restaurant Workers Union. He never had to make good on that promise, due to the excellent training provided in this lineage of Wing Chun. Ip Man Wing Chun Series 5-6: Biu Ji DVD by Benny Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum Biu Ji - Thrusting Fingers/Focused Power contains both volumes 1 and 2 of the Biu Ji Instructional Series. Biu Ji is the third form in the Yip Man system, completing the Trilogy of the three forms. The first part builds on the previous volumes, bringing you into the advanced level of training with a focus on the nature and principles of the Biu Ji form together with the meaning of technique names. The Biu Ji set focuses on maximum power generation and focusing power to the extremities such as the fingers, forearm, elbow, etc. The second focus of the set is on "Gau Gap Sau" (Emergency Hand), training you to recover from bad positions. This video also covers the sequence, principles and applications of the form. The information is presented in several formats throughout the video - solo, partner demonstration and application - giving you a chance to see the simplicity, directness, and efficiency of this Wing Chun lineage. The second part builds on the format demonstrated in the previous five volumes. First we delve deeply into the nature of Wing Chun Combat through Chi Sau levels of exercises and drills for the Biu Ji student. These exercises and drills directly relate to the Biu Ji set, reinforcing body mechanics and introducing the element of tactics and focused power. Many of the theories of Wing Chun from the previous tapes are brought to life through precise explanations and examples of fighting applications. By having skill at this level, the student is taking his "auto-pilot" to the next level: spontaneous and correct reactions to changing situations at different ranges with maximum power supported by an automatic recovery system for bad positions. Ip Man Wing Chun Series 7: Dummy Section 1-4 by Benny Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum This is the seventh in a series (on the 4th DVD) presented by the Ving Tsun Museum on the Yip Man system. The Muk Yan Jong is one of the first apparatus, or training tools, used in the Yip Man system. In this volume, Master Meng explains the different types and dimensions of the Wooden Dummy, covering the meaning of the word 'Jong', the nature of the Muk Yan Jong, details of proper structure and position of each movement, proper energy and the application of each movement. There are a total of eight sections in the Wooden Dummy. Sections 1 to 4 of the Wooden Dummy is clearly demonstrated and explained. This volume builds on the six previous volumes, bringing you further into the advanced level of training with a focus on proper structure, energy and position through training with the Muk Yan Jong, together with the meaning of technique names. The information is presented in several formats throughout - solo, partner demonstration and application - giving you a chance to see the simplicity, directness, and efficiency of this Wing Chun lineage. Ip Man Wing Chun Series 8: Dummy Section 5-8 by Benny Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum This is the eighth in a series (on the 5th DVD) presented by the Ving Tsun Museum on the Yip Man system, and is a continuation of the 4th DVD. In this volume, Master Meng explains the different types and dimensions of the Wooden Dummy, covering the meaning of the word 'Jong', the nature of the Muk Yan Jong, details of proper structure and position of each movement, proper energy, and the application of each movement. There are a total of eight sections in the Wooden Dummy. Sections 5 to 8 on the Wooden Dummy are clearly demonstrated and explained. This volume builds on the six previous volumes, bringing you further into the advanced level of training with a focus on proper structure, energy and position through training with the Muk Yan Jong, together with the meaning of technique names. The information is presented in several formats throughout - solo, partner demonstration and application - giving you a chance to see the simplicity, directness and efficiency of this Wing Chun lineage. Ip Man Wing Chun Series 9: Luk Dim Boon Kwan - Wing Chun Long Pole by Benny Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum This is the ninth in a series presented by the Ving Tsun Museum on the Yip Man system, on the 6th DVD. This video covers the Luk Dim Boon Gwan, the first weapon of the Yip Man system, and the secrets of the Luk Dim Boon (6 1/2 Points). In this comprehensive volume, Master Benny Meng covers the history of the pole, basic exercises to prepare you to use the pole, fundamental movements such as stances & footwork, individual techniques, and the sequence of the form itself and most importantly, the concepts behind the term Luk Dim Boon (6 1/2 points). Through this practice of Wing Chun Weapons, you will enhance your empty-hand skill, stricture, and power, regardless of your martial arts background. This volume builds on the previous eight volumes, bringing you further into the advanced level of training and understanding, with a focus on Wing Chun as a concept based art containing only two weapons: the long pole and the double short knives. Within these two weapons are the concepts to understand and unlock the knowledge of all hand-to-hand weapons including: long, medium and short weapons, single and double weapons, blunt and sharp weapons, and light and heavy weapons. Wing Chun Application Series 01: Trapping Hands by Benny Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum This is the first in a new series of Wing Chun Applications DVDs by the Ving Tsun Museum. This new series moves away from the more formal and technical, systematic training of Wing Chun and into a new territory, unlocking the effective fighting skills of this great martial art system. In the martial arts, superior skill involves economy of motion, not just crashing yourself into obstacles. Obstacles can aid you in gaining momentum or building pressure, allowing you to move past the limitations to achieve the successes. When you successfully trap an opponent, it is because your opponent presented the keys of his own self-destruction. Once trapped, you can control your opponent - allowing you to limit the damage done to either of you. At the highest levels, the study of the martial arts is the study of efficiency. This study begins with the skill of Trapping, specifically with the understanding of forward energy, Pak Sau, Lap Sau, and Kau Sao progression in application.
Wing Chun 8 Slashing Sword (Pat Cham To) by Benny Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum with Brad Ryan
This is the eleventh in a series of videos presented by the Ving Tsun Museum on the Yip Man system. In the Yip Man lineage, very few students or instructors learned the Baat Jam Dou or Eight Slashing Knives directly from the late Grand Master. This represents the end of the system, and is the first time Grand Master Benny Meng has taught the knives to martial artists outside his direct school. This DVD exposes the secrets of Wing Chun knife tactics and real application for the first time to the public.
The information is presented in several formats throughout the video - solo with and without weapons, partner demonstration, and application - giving you a chance to see the simplicity, directness, and efficiency of this Wing Chun lineage. (approx. 60 minutes)
Instruction is led by Grand Master Benny Meng, Curator of the Ving Tsun Museum, supported by his student, Master Brad Ryan of Houston, Texas.
