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DOWNLOAD: Jim Wagner - Reality Based American Baton Police Tactics
DOWNLOAD: Jim Wagner - Reality Based American Baton Police Tactics

You will learn the areas of impact on the human body, the legal use of force, the way to advise with the weapon and hold it in a conflictive situation, the 12 angles of striking.
720 x 576 Resolution - 1 hour Learn More >>
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In this new work, Sergeant Wagner, an expert recognized around the world, analyzes the tactics of the American police baton as well as its applications to other more common defenses in other countries, like the PR-24 or telescopic baton.

From his hand, you will study the areas of impact on the human body, the legal use of force, the way to advise with the weapon and hold it in a conflictive situation, the 12 angles of striking and their combinations, the principle blocks, and three conflict exercises: One Point Sparring Drill, Feeding Drill, and Freestyle Drill. Simple techniques that could save your life if you have to fight.

Languages included in video: English, Espanol, Deutsch, Italiano, Francais

Running Time: Approx 1 hour
Video Resolution: 720 x 576
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