We would like to add here for those people (and fortunately there are very few) who have questioned our impartiality, that in this magazine we consider all the Ninjutsu schools who carry out serious work such as Koga or Sensei Hatsumi's Bujinkan, to be sister schools and that the stated opinions of some authors are not necessarily the opinions of this magazine.
This magazine attempts to offer an honest and true version, which includes the opinions of various people.
We are convinced that all lovers of Ninjutsu, in spite of any differences they might have, are all working towards the goal of helping this art, this marvelous tradition of feudal Japan, reestablish itself once again and return to its place of merit in the arena of the Martial Arts.
Languages included in video: English, Espanol, Deutsch, Italiano, Francais
Running Time: Approx 56 minutes
Video Resolution: 720 x 576
