Volume 12 - Entering Skills
Entering is closing the gap on the opponent without being hit in the process. In Jeet Kune Do we have several explosive entering techniques, designed to get you in with "firepower". In this volume you will learn about the primary Jeet Kune Do entering methods, and how to use them effectively to close the gap on the opponent and take them out. This is one of the most important areas of Jeet Kune Do training, and you must train these entering drills with dedication and purpose. This volume covers the necessary footwork, as well as the best hand and foot tools to apply singly or in combination on entry, giving you the greatest possibility of successfully entering on an opponent without injury in the process.
What is Entering? Fighting Measure On Guard Position (Bai Jong) Basic Entering Footwork (Push Shuffle, Forward Lunge, Stealing A Step, Forward Pendulum, Stutter Step, Burning Step) Primary Entering Tools (Straight Punch, Finger Jab, Backfist, Straight Kick, Side Kick, Hook Kick, Asking Hand, Straightblast) Opening & Closing Lines of Attack Entering Methods (Jik Tek/Chung Chuie, Juk Tek/Bil Jee, Bil Jee/Juk Tek, Qua Chuie/Juk Tek, Oou Tek/Qua Chuie, Double Bil Jee, Chop Chuie/Qua Chuie, Ping Chuie/Qua Chuie/Juk Tek/Mon Sao/Pak Sao, Juk Tek/Mon Sao/Lop Sao, Burning Step Side Kick, Double Burning Step Side Kick, Low/High Oou Tek, Low Jik Tek/High Oou Tek, Low Juk Tek/High Oou Tek) Entering Off Jeet Tek Touch & Go Entering Drills Closing Discussion
----- Resolution*: 634 x 480 Running Time Approx: 1 hour 45 mins
*This video comes from a VHS converted to DVD converted to Digital. Every effort was made to keep the quality high and at DVD resolution but there was not a lot of editing so you may see static and VHS commands on the screen - especially at the beginning and end of the video. ------
This instructional video series on Bruce Lee's Original Jeet Kune Do was in the making over a long period of time. My goal was to present the most in-depth and complete guide to training in Bruce Lee's fighting methods ever completed. What resulted was this twenty volume set. It was originally filmed on VHS, then later converted to DVD when VHS suddenly found itself outdated. What will never become outdated, however, is the material shown and taught on these videos. The material taught and demonstrated on these videos comes from all three of Bruce Lee's major schools in the United States (Seattle, Oakland and L.A. Chinatown). It is by far the most complete presentation of this material, and will probably remain so for all of time! It represents my life's work in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Jeet Kune Do, and will stand for all of time as my body of work to preserve Bruce Lee's original teaching, training and fighting methods. I hope you find this material useful (and entertaining), and that you can get something from it that may one day save your life or the life of a loved one! If that happens, then it has served its purpose! - Sifu Lamar M. Davis II
