Tony Chan - Wing Chun Free Fighting 1 DVD
Tony Chan's Free Fighting DVD brings Koo Sang's lineage to video for the first time ever!
One of the main things you see on Wing Chun videos is the forms, chi sao, and a couple applications. This DVD cuts through all of that and gives you 30 techniques to use against a variety of attacks. Sifu Chan gets straight to the point. He assumes you already know a little Wing Chun and gives you something useful. The techniques are shown at full speed, then super slow-mo while Sifu Chan explains the technique and what he is doing, then a couple more times for your ease of reference.
If you ever wanted to see the Koo Sang lineage of Wing Chun or just want some Wing Chun techniques to use, then this is the DVD for you!
(For those that don't know, Koo Sang is best known for his wooden dummies. Me made Yip Man's, Wong Shun Leung's, and many, many of Yip Man's student's Jong's. For most of his life he was THE wooden dummy maker in the world, and his dummies are still VERY highly prized today and most modern dummies are based off of the ones he made.)
TRT 55 mins
Be sure to read the review from Wing Chun Illustrated on the blog: http://www.shopwingchun.com/wci-review-tony-chan-wing-chun-free-fighting-1/
