Wing Chun Masters Vol 3 - Robert Chu and Wan Kam Leung This video contains interviews and demonstrations with Wing Chun masters Robert Chu and Wan Kam Leung.
Sifu Robert Chu, L.Ac., QME, AHG, PhD specializes in combat application with a focus on the Yip Man Wing Chun Kuen system as taught by Hawkins Cheung and the Yuen Kay-San and Gulao Wing Chun Kuen systems as taught by Kwan Jong-Yuen. Chief instructor of the Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy LA, CA., and is head of the International Chu Sau Lei Wing Chun Kuen Association, which has branch schools throughout the USA, Europe and South East Asia. Dr. Chu is also proficient in the Tai Chi, Xing Yi, Ba Gua and Shaolin systems of martial arts. He is the co-author of Complete Wing Chun, (Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc, 1998) and has been featured in Kung Fu Masters, MASTERS Magazine, Black Belt Magazine, Inside Kung Fu, Martial Arts Legends, Inside Martial Arts, Martial Arts Combat Sports and other publications, in addition to his regular monthly column, 'Noble Warrior' which appears on the internet
magazine WingChunKuen.
Sifu WAN Kam Leung was the earliest student of the late Sifu WONG Shun Leung and has been a senior instructor in Ving Tsun Athletic Association for years. Sifu WAN was the only Wing Chun Chief Instructor for the G4 (VIP Protection Unit) ever invited by the Royal Hong Kong Police Force. Sifu Leung has precisely modified the Wing Chun system into a modern day practical combating art suitable for males and females of all ages. Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun, the effective way to increase strength, self confidence and all round positive health development.
Running Time: 1 hr 2 mins
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