Eddie Chong - Yip Man System of Wing Chun - 3 DVD Set (these DVDs are NOT sold separately)
DVD 1 - Sil Lum Tao, Chum Kiu, Bil Gee
This first DVD demonstrates and explains the three hand forms; Sil Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, andamp; Bil Gee. All forms are broken down and applied in detail to opponents.
DVD 2 - Double Sticking Hands (Surng Chi Sao)
In the second DVD, Sifu Chong instructs you in Double Sticky Hand (Chi Sao) exercises. Offensive and defensive techniques are thoroughly broken down and applied.
DVD 3 - Eight Cutting Daggers, 6 1/2 Point Staff, Wooden Dummy In the third DVD, Sifu Chong introduces and explains the Wooden Dummy form and weapons. The form is demonstrated, broken down, andamp; applied to live adversaries.
The Wooden Dummy (Muk Yan Jong) is instrumental in teaching correct facing, power delivery, and grabbing. Wooden Dummy training and its appropriate application is a hallmark of an advanced Wing Chun practitioner.
The 6 and 1/2 point staff and Butterfly Knife forms are demonstrated, broken down, andamp; applied. The staff is unique in that it is handled from the end as opposed to the center, as common to other long range martial arts weapons. This gives the weapon extreme range and allows it to generate tremendous force and leverage.
Sifu Chong shows you the forms, training exercises, and applications to fully exploit the unique advantages of this weapon. Along with the Wooden Dummy, the Butterfly Knives are a signature tool of the accomplished Wing Chun practitioner.
DVD 1: 1hr 30 mins
DVD 2: 1hr 28 mins
DVD 3: 1 hr 11 mins
DVD Type:
DVD Region:
Region 0: Region Free
Customer/3rd Party Review - This review was done by a customer/3rd party and is listed here for you reference only. The views and opinions of the reviewer are not those of Everything Wing Chun and do not necessarily reflect EWC's views or opinions on the subject matter. It is posted, like all customer reviews, to give you more info on the product and to give you different opinions on a product so that you can make the best decision for yourself about its content. The review is NOT by an EWC employee or contractor and EWC cannot stand by anything said in any customer/3rd party review. Enjoy!
What Disk 1 is About:
Master Sifu Eddie Chong demonstrates the three forms applications of Wing Chun Gung Fu, as it was taught to him my Grandmaster Ip Man.
Comments on Disk 1:
As mentioned this DVD provides instructional material of Wing Chun's three forms, Sil Nim Tao, Chum Kiu and Bil Gee, as what is now often referred to as the "Hong Kong" system as taught by Grandmaster Ip Man. If you have followed my reviews on the various US and Foreign Masters on Wing Chun, you will notice I have said there are differences in how these forms of the Wing Chun System are expressed. Looking at it strictly from the system represented by Hong Kong, you will notice that some of what Master Sifu Chong does is very close to some of the hands expressed in Sil Nim Tao, as taught by William Cheung.
The movements and placement of the hands are arbitrary in regard to any of the forms...they are not absolute, they actually represent a scenario of how they're used and not restricted in principle to a particular locale in space. The hands can be within an upper gate position as well as in a low gate. The situation determines where the hands are and how they're used in a real situation! Remember, the form is a tool and provides you with the necessary structure for the techniques to work... the form changes according to how you're built and move; as well as a measure of the length of time you have dedicated to your practice, and the skill you have derived from it! You will also notice that this DVD represents Master Sifu Chong in an earlier stage of his development in the Wing Chun system. One continues to learn throughout their years of practice... it does not just stop at some particular point. One's skill evolves in time!
The format of this DVD is pretty much the same throughout for all the forms demonstrated and is consistent in what it shows as far as the applications that are specific to each individual form. Chong shows you a lot in his DVD series that other producers do not... I suppose they save those so call secrets for workshops
Whatever series you buy of Master Sifu Chong's work, the younger version of him or his most recent work, you will certainly not be disappointed. There is real value in what he does as a Master teacher, I enjoy watching him work with his students and listening to the important questions they ask.
What Disk 2 is About:
Master Sifu Eddie Chong demonstrates the movements of the Chi Sau or Double Sticky Hands and its applications.
Comments on Disk 2:
Perhaps by now, if you're an experienced Wing Chun practitioner you have an understanding of what Chi Sau training is supposed to give you or if you're a beginner you should know the practice of Chi Sau requires substantial dedication to master correctly. And honestly you can't learn it from a book or a DVD for that matter. However, an instructional DVD on the subject can augment your skill as you train under a qualified instructor or Sifu. Chi Sau practice has the capability to teach one a lot of technique which is based on the position of the arms and hands and when one should do a technique based on sensitivity or let's say on your ability to feel.
In double sticky hands practice, the position of the arms and hands are extremely important. That is to know how and where the three types of basic hands are situated correctly, such as in using the Tan Sau, Fook Sau and Bong Sau are essential. Master Sifu Cong explains how to join the hands with a partner correctly. The points that he makes regarding this practice should not be over looked and be given the respect they're due! He also provides one with the reasoning behind why the improper position of a Chi Sau hand can cost you dearly.
Beginning students will find switching the position of the hands as a daunting task...and not all teachers show you the differences in this type of exchange. It can be a very subtle movement. The arms and hands during practice can either be in position of an outside bridge or inside bridge as well as having one in and one out. To get them there is difficult to learn at first, yet it's not impossible. The practice is referred to as the rolling hands sequence or the position of the "four corners." Chong spends a substantial amount of time on the rolling hands sequence. He also shows how technique should be properly executed during Chi Sau Practice. In the beginning students are taught Chi Sau in the basic Sil Nim Tao posture, or Ma Bo stance characteristic of the first form. The second form Chum Kiu gives one the opportunity to move...Chong's, shows how Chi Sau is used as one steps in to counter an attack. He covers how technique can be used in Chi Sau from all three of Wing Chun's forms.
For anyone interested in Wing Chun Gung Fu, this would be a valuable series to have in your collection. This DVD series is based on what is considered as the Ip man or "Hong Kong" system of Wing Chun. This particular Chong Wing Chun Gung Fu DVD series appears to be a copy of an older VHS version of Chong's Wing Chun training tapes and therefore some of the video quality is lost. It certainly is not a HD quality production which you would expect of today's DVD media. However, its value is found in its instructional material. Some Wing Chun practitioners, in fact might find it to be worth its weight in Gold!
What Disk 3 is About:
Master Sifu Eddie Chong demonstrates the forms of Wing Chun's classic weapons, the Staff and the Butterfly knives and its training apparatus, the Wooden Dummy or the Mook Jong. Applications are also shown for the weapon forms.
Comments on Disk 3:
Sifu begins this DVD with the 6 1/2 staff training, he emphasizes that from the start of your practice you should warm up sufficiently and one should have the proper skill level achieved in Chi Sau to effect the movements in the form and its applications properly. The movement and technique of the pole, is achieved through sensitivity and is not based on strength. Not relying on just the benefit of one's strength is the hall mark of the Wing Chun Gung Fu system. Chong doesn't go immediately into a demonstration of the pole form, however, he emphasizes in the beginning some basic exercises that should be learned before the pole form is done, which are the "Low Sweep Block and Follow - up Strike."
In all of Master Sifu Chong's instructional DVDs, he constantly stresses the basics and how to learn properly in the beginning of one's practice. There are many instructors out there who don't stress the basics in training enough...many just want to market the tactical aspects of a system's applications without really appreciating and promoting consistent training in the basics from the beginning. Chong does not water down the importance of establishing a sound foundation in the basics, in the warm ups and application of each of Wing Chun's weapons... the butterfly knives and the 6 1/2 point staff. Keep in mind, however, that the weapons section of this DVD serve as an introduction to them. They provide you with the essentials of what you should know.
The last section of this DVD is dedicated to the Wooden Dummy and a substantial amount of time is spent on training in the form and the variations which exist in its application. The narrator for this DVD points out some of the differences which exist in its construction. Much emphasis is place on the stances associated with the dummy and the spatial relationship that relate specifically to it and the forms applications. Some of what Sifu provides in this DVD are the basic exercises associated with the dummy before you do the actual form... many DVD's on wooden dummy instruction do not include this fundament set. Many students who have performed the Wooden Dummy set may find, the sequence they had learned, is different from what is shown by Sifu Chong. So just keep in mind there are differences you'll experience in forms and applications in any of the know systems of Wing Chun that are out there and being taught today. Don't get disturbed by this fact... it just is!
Technical Specifications Disk 1:
Title: Wing Chun Gung Fu - Forms and Applications
Presenters: Eddie Chong
Region: all
Number of disc: 1 (Volume 1 of a set of three DVDs)
Length: 1:34.30
Language: English
Rating scale 1-5:
Production Quality: 2
Sound Quality: 2.5
Video Quality: 2
Material covered: 4
Instructional qualities: 4
Technical Specifications Disk 2:
Title: Surng Chi Sau - Double Sticky Hands
Presenters: Eddie Chong
Region: all
Number of disc: 1 (Volume 2 of a set of three DVDs)
Length: 1:26.48
Language: English
Rating scale 1-5:
Production Quality: 2
Sound Quality: 2.5
Video Quality: 2
Material covered: 5
Instructional qualities: 5
Technical Specifications Disk 3:
Title: Wing Chun Gung Fu - Eight Cutting Daggers, 6 1/2 Point Staff, Wooden Dummy
Presenters: Eddie Chong
Region: all
Number of disc: 1 (Volume 3 of a set of three DVDs)
Length: 6 1/2 Point staff - 0:01:00 to 22:10. Butterfly Knives: 0: 22.11 to 0:40:18 Wooden Dummy: 0:32:08 Times segments are approximate.
Language: English
Production Quality: 2
Sound Quality: 2.5
Video Quality: 2
Material covered: 4
Instructional qualities: 4
Content Overview Disk 1: Wing Chun Gung Fu, Forms and Applications
- Introduction
- Training and Background of Master Sifu Eddie Chong
- The Grandmaster Ip Man
- Full Demonstration of Sil Nim Tao
- Frontal View
- Side View
- Form demonstrated with students
- Demonstration of first form applications
- Double Palm rear sequence
- Combination Jum Sau and Huen Sau
- Bong Sau and the intercept movement
- The Gum Sau Grab
- Gum Sau with a punch
- Clearing the Center and attacking
- The Tan Sau hand is for movements attacking the upper gate
- The Wu Sau hand is for movements attacking the lower gate
- Full demonstration of chum Kiu
- Frontal View
- Side View
- Form demonstrated with students
- Demonstration of second form applications
- Proper Defense against kick
- Following your opponent
- Double palm strike at the elbows
- Turning, Double Kick Technique
- Using the knee and barring the opponents leg
- Double Bong Sau as a low block
- Defense against a round house kick
- Full Demonstration of Bil Gee
- Frontal view
- Close up view
- Side view
- Form demonstrated with students
- Demonstration of third form applications
- Inside and outside hand movements
- Y Jau and Bil Sau
- Weeping leg movements
- Attacking the opponent's back side
- Using the gong Sau hand in Bil Gee
- Counter for Y jau movement
- Turning and using the Fook Ssau Hand
- Side Attack and the Fock Sau hand
- Bil Sau against Chain Punching
- Defense against a front grab and turning, attack w/Tan Sau
- Defense against being pushed
Content Overview Disk 2: Surng Chi Sau
- Introduction
- Training and Background of Master Sifu Eddie Chong
- The Grandmaster Ip Man
- Double Sticky hand
- The basics
- Proper position of the hands with a partner
- The rolling sequence
- Exchanging the hands in the Tan Sau, Fook Sau and Bong Sau Sequence
- The danger of over crossing the hands
- Applications from a standing or Ma Bo posture
- Practicing the basics of bring your opponents hands down
- Techniques associated with when your opponents hands are down
- Counter, turning against an opponent stepping in
- Opponent moving forward, response: Step in, Wu Sau hand and Palm strike
- Stepping in with a double palm strike
- Stepping in with an elbow or Bil Gee form technique
- Counter movement to the elbow Bi Gee technique
- Slipping your hand behind an opponent's back
- Using the Chi Sau to attack the groin
- Determining the weak point of an opponent's elbow
- Using a palm thrust and palm strike
- Palm strike and cutting fist
- The essence of Double sticky hands
- Not to memorizing all the possible movements or techniques
- The value of allowing the right technique to emerge
- The value of sensitivity in finding the way in and the way out
- Chong's tutoring session
- Student partner practice
- Proper position of the elbows
- Bong Sau trapping technique
- The Quan Sau hand
- The Bong Sau to Lap Sau and striking with the other hand
- Close the Gap during a Chi Sau exchange
- Using the last minute twist in a Tan Sau hand from the Bong Sau
- The Wu Sau press as a counter technique
- Using a rotating back fist from a Bong Sau position
- Taking advantage of an opponent's structure while their turning
- Defense against a double punch
- Change the positions of the hands at the proper moment
- Turning as a defense when an opponent charges in
- Maintaining the integrity of the Chi Sau hands
- Turning and the technique of sinking the elbow
- Sinking into the Stance as one turns into a technique
- Always be award of covering yourself as you do a technique
- Using the reverse sweep against an opponent's sweeping technique
- Avoid excessive rocking while doing the Chi Sau
Content Overview Disk 3: 6 1/2 Point Staff, 8 Cutting Daggers and Wooden Dummy form
- Introduction
- Training and Background of Master Sifu Eddie Chong
- The purpose and intent of this training DVD
- The forms you will learn and whose involved
- Continual Scenes of Chong's Wing Chun School
- Origin of the Daggers and Staff
- The Book: early publication of the original staff form in English
- The basic warm up exercises of training movements of the staff.
- Low Sweep Block
- Follow-up strike (a snapping movement)
- The subtlety in this movement
- Normal speed of movements
- Slow motion sequences
- From right and left side views
- Demonstration of the complete staff form
- Front View
- Side view or
- Front View close-up
- Back view and turning sequence
- Oblique view
- View starting from the back
- Close-up view from the back
- The thrusting movements and placement of the hands
- Basic applications
- Low sweep block
- Follow up strike
- Counter to being swept at the leg and thrusting forward
- Counter to a sweeping movement, hoping over and striking
- The Eight Cutting Daggers form or Butterfly Knives
- Determine the proper length of the knives
- The warm up exercise for the knives
- Turning wrist exercises
- Chopping motions
- Demonstration of the form
- Complete form demo - frontal
- Side view and close-up shots
- Butterfly knife applications
- Using the knives against the staff
- The Gong Sau movement
- Gong Sau to the side
- The double knife attack
- Bong Sau and strike
- Block the sweep and block the head strike
- Groin and head block with the knives
- Blocking of the side strike
- Blocking inside and striking forward
- Huen Sau and strike
- Tan Sau and Strike
- Wooden Dummy Form
- Introduction
- As taught to Sifu Chong by Grandmaster Ip Man
- The purpose of wooden dummy training
- The variations that exist in the wooden dummy construction
- Parts of the dummy
- Variations that exist in construction materials
- Basic Stance
- Purpose of the stance
- Visual and spatial relationships
- The side step stance - Chum Kiu
- The Bong Sau and Wu Sau blocking defense
- Right and left side
- The relationship of the hands and body to the dummy
- The shifting movements
- Shifting horse to the right and left side
- Training exercises in using the dummy
- These are done before one practices the form
- Single palm strikes right and left side
- Double palm strike to low gate
- Double palm strike to upper gate
- Defensive movements
- Offensive movements
- Kicking exercise right and left leg
- Drill for the Huen Sau hand and palm strike
- Using the dummy to develop your own training drills
- The complete Wooden dummy form demonstration
- 108 movements in the form
- Side views and back views are shown
- Wooden Dummy form break down
- Section 1, first ten movements
- Section 2, next ten movements
- Kicking sequences
- Section 3, next ten movements
- Using the leg to jam the leading foot
- Section 4- next ten movements
- The Gong Sau movements
- Double palms to the upper gates
- Double Tan Sau hand force directed into the dummy's body
- Turing and twisting of the body
- Section 5, next ten movements
- Variety of double palm strikes
- Pak Pi Choy
- The Snake hand
- Section Six, next ten movements
- Bong Sau
- Double rotating arms
- Lan Sau hands
- Section seven, next ten movements
- Kicking sequence
- Sweep sequence
- The hooking sequence
- Downward double arm technique
- Section eight, next ten movements
- Kicking sequence
- Upward sweeping movement
- The Gong Sau and kicking sequence
- Double palm strike
- Hand movements with sweeping movements
- Section nine, next ten movements
- Kicking upward
- Downward heel kick
- Tan Sau and downward grab
- Section ten, the last sequence
- Straight punches
- Pulling and kicking
- Double Gong Sau
- Bong Sau and Wu Sau hand
- Double Palm strike upper and low
- Variations in the second and third sections of the Wooden Dummy form
- Second half variation of section two
- Lower Bong Sau Block
- Stepping to the side with rapid engaging techniques
- Section three variation
- Bong Sau, Quan Sau application
- Left Bong Sau and right Bong Sau variation
(Only some of the techniques for each section are mentioned...a large number of them are done in combination and are repeated. Therefore not all options for striking are listed here in this summary of hand techniques employed within the wooden dummy set. Pease take note, that all the movements are repeated on each side of the dummy.)
Reviewer: George Hernandez
Date: 12/23/2011
Bought the Eddie Chong DVDs on Everything Wing Chun
