Bundle - Wayne Belonoha - Ip Man System Wing Chun - Steps 01-108 (Blu-Ray)
Buy all 9 disks together as one set and save!
This series covers the entire Ip Man/Moy Yat/Sunny Tang system of Ving Tsun in 108 steps. Three years in the making, each Blu-Ray disk takes you through 12 steps of the system, just as they are taught by Sifu Wayne in his schools.
The 9 Blu-ray Discs (BD) were painstakingly filmed and edited to professional standards, made up of over 4,000 unique clips, terminology, idioms, tenets, key concepts, summary dialogues, "Notes to Self", over 100 different transitions, extremely funny gag graphics, and other artifacts. There is even a special easter egg hidden in the Blu-ray disc set where sifu Wayne demonstrates the highest of skills.
There is no duplicate footage in the Blu-Ray disc set - every explanation, demonstration, and detail is new. Changes in the way a subject is explained or new demonstration will surely help with your understanding. Each step is made up of 5 sections:
1 Teach / Demonstrate / Learn 2 Common Mistakes 3 Applications (street or chi sau) 4 Drills / Follow Along / Demonstration 5 Homework / Additional Reading
You will get sifu Wayne's entertaining brand of funny-because-it's-not-funny humor alongside straight facts and intelligent, logical, clear explanations that you can actually understand and believe in. The explanations are clear and the demonstrations are done both slowly and at a practical speed. If you want to learn, you're in the right place - skill is knowledge applied if you want the skill you need the knowledge. The Blu-ray discs follow the known principles of wing chun, so our unbiased lessons will provide you with useful details regardless of what wing chun style you train. If you are looking for entertainment with speedy-flashy movement, drama, dragons/flames, cursing, simulated violence, or a style where every move is "extreme" - well, we don't do that. Learning and entertainment are different.
Each step also uses a unique "Reality Score" system which will let you know how close this drill aligns with the final goal of using it on the street. The score is based on a formula of precision, sensitivity, environmental stability, and drill complexity. As the simple, uncomplicated, discrete skills you learn integrate into each other and are performed with greater accuracy in a more challenging and dynamic environment the "Reality Score" goes up. The scale goes from 0% which is part practice of key skills or elements of a larger technique where focus is on skill development to 100% where all the compound skills needed for fighting against a trained and uncooperative opponent are practiced.
Our open classes are essentially a "coached practice" session - where students work together on the skills that need developing and sifu Wayne will give subtle corrections or details or perspectives to help with understanding and progress. When the current skills have developed to a point where they can be combined or where they can support another piece, that new piece - the next step in the curriculum - is taught. When we teach that new step, it includes the 5 sections shown above - the 4 or 5 key points, mistakes to watch out for, a demonstration and the associated drills, how the technique is used, and homework. So we took exactly what our students learn and put it on Blu-ray disc for you.
Too much information at the early stage of practice would leave them overwhelmed. We want to give them enough that they can learn by exploration and ask questions. As time goes on and they get better or get off track, we will offer those subtle corrections or details to keep them going in the right direction or to clear up physical/mental roadblocks they might have.
I hope you enjoy and learn a ton from this set of lessons. As usual, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Enjoy.
Want to know if you should get Sifu Wayne's 2012 Wing Chun University bundle, his 2015 Blu-Ray-ray disk bundle or both (the Maximum Learning bundle)?
In Short - unless you want physical disks, the "Wayne Belonoha - Wai's Kung Fu Complete Ving Tsun System - ENTIRE SET Levels 01-09" or the WCU course on teachable are the best options. This course on Blu-Ray is great, is complete, and works well. But the newer (and more expensive) courses also include a lot of extra footage.
The WCU lessons take a fundamentally different approach to teaching in an effort to help you learn most effectively. Instead of following the curriculum step by step, the videos give an "A-la-Carte" approach. You can choose a subject and follow that subject only from the beginning of the system through to the end. The WCU provides shorter supplementary videos which provides the answers to the questions you will have while training plus those subtle corrections or details or perspectives to help with understanding and progress. And while the lessons on the Blu-ray disc also contain some of the supplementary materials, the WCU also has the flexibility to contain more detail about topics like philosophy, approach, strategy and mindset.
The Blu-Ray set is organized in 108 steps to mastery as traditionally taught. Topics tend to jump around more as the groundwork is laid and built upon over time.
To summarize the differences.
- The Blu-ray disc set is organized by step number whereas the WCU is organized by topic. - The Blu-ray disc set provides the key information necessary to learn, understand, train and improve a skill. The WCU provides the same key information plus the required details needed to support your continued growth over the years. - The Blu-Ray set is 1080p HD and 13 hours and 13 mins. The WCU set is 720p HD and 17 hours and 15 mins.
You can start with the Blu-Ray set and add-on the WCU set later cut up by steps to match the Blu-Ray set. Or you can buy the WCU set as is, and the Blu-Ray as is. Or you can save some more money and buy the combined set - WCU+Blu-Ray cut up and organized into 108 steps - this way you get all the info in the most comprehensive manner and given to you as it is traditionally taught.
Look for the bundled option that meets your needs. Only the Blu-Ray set is offered on disk. All the other options are download only.
------------ For a full description of the series, please read the blog article on the release here: http://www.shopwingchun.com/new-wayne-belonohas-9-volume-ving-tsun-dvd-series It contains a lot more information than can be listed here.
Read the review from Wing Chun Illustrated: http://www.shopwingchun.com/review-wayne-belonoha-blu-ray-set-complete-system/
Info: Teacher: Sifu Wayne Belonoha Lineage: Ip Man -> Moy Yat -> Sunny Tang -> Wayne Belonoha -> You System: Ving Tsun System Course: Complete 108 Step Moy Yat / Sunny Tang Ving Tsun System
Steps: 1-108 of 108 Resolution: HD 1080p
Running Time: 13 hours 13 mins
Step topics: 1 Ving Tsun Overview 2 Adduction Stance 3 Sun Fist Punch 4 Siu Nim Tau Form, Part 1 5 Paak Sau Block 6 Siu Nim Tau Form, Part 2 7 Palm Up Block 8 Grabbing Hand 9 Siu Nim Tau Form, Part 3 10 Circle Step 11 Siu Nim Tau Form, Part 4 12 Siu Nim Tau Form, Part 5 13 Attacking with Circle Step 14 Golden Rooster Stance 15 Power Punching 16 Rotating 17 Shifting 18 Facing the Shape 19 Full Power Hitting 20 Siu Nim Tau Form, Part 6 21 Front Kick 22 Side Kick 23 Bong / Laap Da Drill 24 Single Sticking Hands 25 Single Hand Running & Catching 26 Double Sticking Hands, Level 1 27 Double Sticking Hands, Level 2 28 Siu Nim Tau Form, Part 7 29 Free Hand Thrust Drill 30 Double Sticking Hands, Level 4 31 Double Sticking Hands, Level 5 32 Double Sticking Hands, Level 6 33 Double Sticking Hands, Level 7 34 Double Sticking Hnads, Level 8 35 Double Sticking Hands, Level 9 36 Unstoppable Attacks 37 Unstoppable Attacks 38 Cham Kiu Form, Part 1 39 Moving the Horse, Level 1 40 Moving the Horse, Level 2 41 Single Hand Attacks *some customers report this is missing on their disks. We do know that the intro to Step 41 is the same as step 40, but the actual lesson is correct. See below: Lesson 40 is 3m 55 sec and starts with “So we’ll play the Toi Ma.." Lesson 41 is 5m 43 sec and starts with “We are going to play the same drill now..." Lesson 41 says “lesson 40” when it starts - wrong splash screen. Lesson 42 is 4m 24 sec and starts with “and we’ll play the top ma again" 42 Free Hand Drill 43 Cham Kiu Form, Part 2 44 Fight Simulator, Level 1 45 Fight Simulator, Level 2 46 Fight Simulator, Level 3 47 Kicking & Turning Drill 48 Sticking Legs Drill, Level 1 49 Sticking Legs Drill, Level 2 50 Sticking Legs Drill, Level 3 51 Sticking Legs Drill, Level 4 52 Sticking Legs Drill, Level 5 53 Sticking Legs Drill, Level 6 54 Cham Kiu Form, Part 3 55 Double Sticking Hands, Level 14 56 Heavy Energy Chi Sau 57 Double Sticking Hands, Level 16 58 Explosive Energy Punching 59 Sticking Hands on One Leg 60 Fight Simulator, Level 4 61 Sticking Leg Drill, Level 7 62 Biu Ji Form, Part 1 63 Biu Ji Form, Part 2 64 Long Bridge Chi Sau, Level 1 65 Biu Ji Form, Part 3 66 Battle Punch Stance 67 Biu Ji Form, Part 4 68 Biu Ji Form, Part 5 69 Sticking Leg Drill, Level 8 70 Biu Ji Form, Part 6 71 Sticking Hands with Leg Attacks 72 Biu Ji Form, Part 7 73 Biu Ji Form, Part 8 74 Double Chi Sau, Level 19 75 Double Chi Sau, Level 20 76 Biu Ji Form, Part 9 77 Biu Ji Form, Part 10 78 Double Chi Sau, Level 21 79 Long Bridge Chi Sau, Level 2 80 Fight Simulator, Level 5 81 Wooden Dummy Form, Part 1 82 Wooden Dummy Form, Part 2 83 Wooden Dummy Form, Part 3 84 Wooden Dummy Form, Part 4 85 Wooden Dummy Form, Part 5 86 Wooden Dummy Form, Part 6 87 Wooden Dummy Form, Part 7 88 Wooden Dummy Form, Part 8 89 Long Pole Drills, Level 2 90 Long Pole Drills, Level 3 91 Long Pole Drills, Level 4 92 Long Pole Drills, Level 5 93 Long Pole Nailing Drill 94 Sticking Pole Drill 95 Long Pole Form, Part 1 96 Long Pole Form, Part 2 97 Long Pole Form, Part 3 98 Long Pole Form, Part 4 99 Long Pole Form, Part 5 100 Long Pole Points 6 & 1/2 101 Butterfly Sword Form, Part 1 102 Butterfly Sword Form, Part 2 103 Butterfly Sword Form, Part 3 104 Butterfly Sword Form, Part 4 105 Butterfly Sword Form, Part 5 106 Butterfly Sword Form, Part 6 107 Butterfly Sword Form, Part 7 108 Butterfly Sword Form, Part 8
Series Description:
For information on the series and also how it should be combined with Sifu Belohona's Wing Chun University Course, please read the blog article from the link below: http://www.shopwingchun.com/new-wayne-belonohas-9-volume-ving-tsun-dvd-series
