Wing Chun 8 Slashing Sword (Part 2)
This is the twelveth in a series of videos presented by the Ving Tsun Museum on the Yip Man system. In the Yip Man lineage, very few students or instructors learned the Baat Jam Dou or Eight Slashing Knives directly from the late Grand Master. This represents the end of the system and is the first time Grand Master Benny Meng has taught the knives to martial artists outside his direct school. This video series exposes the secrets of Wing Chun knifes for the first time to the public.
Part I of the Baat Jaam Dou video (sold separately) consists of Sections 1-4 which are used against a long weapon such as a spear or long pole. In this video, part 2, we cover Sections 5-7 which are used against short weapons such as Swords and Knives, and Section 8 is used for close combat and concealed attacks.
The Knives are the Parents:
In the past Wing Chun edged weapons were typically the first thing a martial artist, rebel, or soldier would learn to use. In life-and-death combat, second-place often means death. As the art moved away from its origins and into the hands of civilians the weapons were no longer taught first. Today it became more practical to learn the hand-to-hand aspect of Wing Chun as a form of self-defense. The days of taking up arms against the Qing invaders were long gone, therefore masters began teaching students empty hand forms before the weapons.
In this video, Grand Master Benny Meng and his team, Master Brad Ryan, Sifu Vincent Meng, and Sifu Scott Stapelton, first demonstrated the training of empty hand form as well as with the knives. Next, it shows how to develop the proper mechanics for the knives form and its detail applications for further training. There are many new concepts that are showing for the first time to the public.
1. Detail of proper body postures and footwork.
2. Applying the Correct Techniques.
3. Recognizing the target areas.
4. Understanding the practical function of the weapons.
5. The correct design of the knives.
6. The secret of the name and meaning of Baat Jaam Dou (8 Slashing Swords).
7. The combat tactics of Baat Jaam Dou.
Running Time: Approx 32 mins. Digital Resolution: 720x480
