Ip Man Wing Chun Series - Sil Lim Tau DVD by Sifu Sam Hing Fai Chan Note: the digital download version has been updated for 2022 and contains the new video and the old. The DVD, of course, is just the original.
Sil Lim Tau is the first hand form taught in Wing Chun. Contained within the seemingly simple form are many principles and ideas that form the heart of Wing Chun, and it is only through observing and practicing these principles in Sil Lim Tau that students will learn how to effectively apply these principles in fighting. Although intended as an introductory video to Wing Chun, both new and experienced students of the art can benifit from Sifu Sam Chan's deep insight into the principles and techniques of Sil Lim Tau. The applications of techniques and theories are also explained through the use of single-hand Chi Sau. This DVD includes: • Stance • Entire Sil Lim Tau form • In depth explanations and instructions • Punching drills and exercises • Single-hand Chi Sau • Combat applications • Multiple camera angles Language: | | English | Length: | | 35 min + 50min digital | Format: | | NTSC | DVD Type: | | DVD-R | DVD Region: | | Region 0: Region Free |
Customer/3rd Party Review - This review was done by a customer/3rd party and is listed here for you reference only. The views and opinions of the reviewer are not those of Everything Wing Chun and do not necessarily reflect EWC's views or opinions on the subject matter. It is posted, like all customer reviews, to give you more info on the product and to give you different opinions on a product so that you can make the best decision for yourself about its content. The review is NOT by an EWC employee or contractor and EWC cannot stand by anything said in any customer/3rd party review. Enjoy!
Review: IWCMAA Ip Man Wing Chun Series: Sil Lim Tao (Beginner Level)
By: Todd Taganashi
Quick Review:
"Sifu Sam Chan is a 2nd generation Master Instructor in the Ip Man Lineage of Wing Chun Kuen under Grandmaster Ip Ching of Hong Kong, and it is quite obvious from his demonstration of the Sil Lim Tao form in this video that he has achieved a high level of skill and understanding in this ancient fighting art. Sifu Chan demonstrates each movement of the Sil Lim Tao slowly and precisely as it should be, then goes on to explain the theory behind each movement. This is something that many modern Wing Chun teachers rush through. One of the things that I really like about Sifu Chan is the humble and elegant way in which he goes about demonstrating and teaching Wing Chun -- he personifies the traditional Chinese Kung Fu master. It is my opinion that the Sil Lim Tao is the most important form of the Wing Chun system since it contains all the hand techniques and most of the basic fighting theories. Sifu Chan has done an excellent job presenting all the basic skills that one would need to practice at the beginner's level and provides a solid foundation on which to build towards mastery of the Wing Chun system."
Technical Review:
- DVD Length: 35 Minutes
- Display: NTSC
- Region: 0
- Type: DVD-R
- Language: English (No Subtitles)
- Video Quality: High (Professional Production)
- Audio Quality: High (Professional Production)
Content Review:
- Introduction
- Stances
- Punching Drills
- Chain Punching
- Long Bridge Punch
- Pad Striking Drills
- Resistance Training
- Sil Lim Tao Form (Front View)
- Sil Lim Tao Form (Side View)
- Sil Lim Tao Form (Section by Section; Close Up View)
The Sil Lim Tao as taught by Sifu Chan and the International Wing Chun Martial Arts Association (IWCMAA) is divided into seven sections to aid the student in learning.
- Section One (Movements and Theory)
- Section Two (Movements and Theory)
- Section Three (Movements and Theory)
- Section Four (Movements and Theory)
- Section Five (Movements and Theory)
- Section Six (Movements and Theory)
- Section Seven (Movements and Theory)
- Applications
- Chun Chiu
- Pak Sau
- Lop Sau
- Gum Da
- Lop Da
- Bon / Lap Da (Punch)
- Dan Chi Sa (Single Handed Sticky Hands)
- Basic Theory
- Basic Movements
- Rolling and Switching with Huen Sau
- Single Hand Chi Sau Drills
