Wing Chun for Beginners: Sil Lim Tao and Arrow Punch Form, Syllabus, Basic Applications and Techniques The complete step-by-step guide to training in the basic Wing Chun system. Stretching and conditioning techniques, applications and form, basic sparring and grading syllabus are covered, as well as a breakdown of Sil Lum Tao ('little idea form') fully revealed for the first time. A must have for all martial artists. Practice at home with specially prepared mirrored versions of the exercises, syllabus and forms. Technical: DVD-R PAL Format (European/Asian) Region Free 16:9 Wide Screen English Dolby Digital Stereo
Customer/3rd Party Review - This review was done by a customer/3rd party and is listed here for you reference only. The views and opinions of the reviewer are not those of Everything Wing Chun and do not necessarily reflect EWC's views or opinions on the subject matter. It is posted, like all customer reviews, to give you more info on the product and to give you different opinions on a product so that you can make the best decision for yourself about its content. The review is NOT by an EWC employee or contractor and EWC cannot stand by anything said in any customer/3rd party review. Enjoy!
Reviewer: George Hernandez
Date: February 5, 2010
Technical Specifications:
Title: Wing Chun for Beginners
Actors:Austin Goh
Format: PAL DVD-R
Language: English
Region: Region 0
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - 1.78:1
Number of discs: 1
Length: approximately 51:26 minutes
Sound quality: good
Rating: Four stars out of five.
DVD Release Date: 9 Jun 2003
What it's about:
This DVD provides instruction in the first form of Wing Chun Kung Fu, or Sil Lim Tao. In showing the student the basic techniques associated with the first form, warm up and stretching exercises are also given to prepare for strenuous martial arts practice. The conditioning of the arms for impact, is also demonstrated, this style of training is known as Chau Sao. A grading or training syllabus is also given, to show the level of skill a student must achieve to develop a strong foundation in the Wing Chun system.
This is an excellent instructional DVD, for those beginning to learn the first form in Wing Chun Kung Fu. Front and side views are given for each of the training sequences or sections of the Sil Lum Tao form. The importance of defending the center line is discussed with an emphasis on doing the form slowly and positioning the hands properly, while understanding that power and speed are acquired through consistent practice.
In this DVD, the Sil Lum Tao form is demonstrated in four sections. For example, a number of basic techniques are shown from the forms opening, incorporating movement of both hands. In this paired sequence, however; what is emphasized, is how the application of technique can be slightly different form performing Sil Lum Tao in a solo fashion. This is an excellent approach in learning; it's vitally important to know the difference, as the student learns how to use footwork while using first form techniques. Basic kicks are introduced, which contribute to the student's ability to attack and defend with hands and legs at the same time. This method of application is the central feature of the Wing Chun fighting system.
Of further interest, this DVD shows the "Arrow Punch" drill. For beginning students, this sequence demonstrates how diverse Sil Lum Tao actually is, in applying first form hand techniques and foot work. Experience teachers, will readily see the "Arrow Punch" drill as excellent preparation for the Chum Ku form.
In learning the fundamentals of Wing Chun sparring, Sifu Goh, introduces a sparing form, which focuses on specific, Sil Lum Tao applications. Understanding, the central purpose of the Sil Lum Tao form is crucial for continued development in the Wing Chun System. It provides the foundation for advance Chum Ku and Bil Jee applications to be effective.
If the Sil Lum Tao structure is weak, so will everything else that is built on it. Wing Chun's three forms, the first through the third add more complex movement, however, its fundamental structure and principles remain the same. Sil Lum Tao, structure, becomes the central hub from where the more advanced techniques emerge. Again, this is an excellent training DVD for the beginner in learning Wing Chun Fu.
Content Over View: Austin Goh, Wing Chun For Beginners
- Purpose of Video Instruction
- Warm Up and Stretching
- Amount of time dedicated
- Number of Repetitions
- Examples of various exercises
- Standing and on the ground
- Partner participation during warm ups
- Kicking and Punching Warm Ups
Warm Up Conditioning
- Explanation of impact training with a partner
- Explanation of performing solo
- Explanation of using static props for impact training
- Explanation of Tan Sao Impact Training
- Explanation of Tan Sao, outside block Impact Training
- Explanation of Cross Arm Impact Training
- Explanation of Impact training for the shins - Inside and outside
- Explanation of Impact training of the Outside Upper Thigh
- Explanation of Impact Training using legs and forearms
- Explanation of Impact training for an Upper Cut, Using a Downward Crop
Grading - First Syllabus
- Explanation of Basic movements for all Wing Chun Students
- Explanation of First Set
- Explanation of Second Set
- Explanation of the Third Set
- Explanation of the Fourth Set
- Explanation of the Fifth Set
First Form Si Lum Tao (Part 1)
- Explanation of Section one of First form
Explanation Si Lum Tao Applications
- Basic Hand and Footwork Shown
First Form Si Lum Tao (Part 2)
- Explanation of Section two of the First Form
Explanation of Si Lum Tao Applications (continued)
Grading - Second Syllabus
- (Techniques exhibited in these training sections provide further development in hand and kicking skills, Advancing and Turning).
- Explanation of First Set
- Explanation of Second Set
- Explanation of Third Set
- Explanation of Fourth Set
- Explanation of Fifth Set
Second Form - Arrow Punch
- Explanation of Sequence of Hand and Feet
- Movements are broken down into four Sections
- Explanation of First Section - Arrow Punch - Right Side
- Explanation of Section - Arrow Punch - Left Side
- Explanation of Third Section Moving to the Right
- Explanation of Fourth Section Moving to the left
- Closing the Form
- Explanation of Basic Sparring hand Techniques
- Explanation of Precautions for Beginning Partner Practice
- Explanation for using only Hand Techniques in early sparring training
