Master Chu Shong Tin Rare Limited 2011 Nim Tao and Life DVD (with English Translation PDF) (Tsui Sheung Tin)
As of March 31, 2021, this DVD is sold out everywhere and not being made again - it is officially out of print. Everything Wing Chun is the only place to download this video. We are honored to be able to still offer this classic video of one of the greatest Wing Chun masters.
This is Master Chu Shong Tin's 2011 and last video. Just like the previous video the quality is very good, and it is in Cantonese. A .pdf file with the English Translation is provided with the video - download it on the video page after purchase. This is a rare DVD of one of the great masters in Ving Tsun. Running time 1.5 hours.
"Idea Erect - Life Set - Master Chu Shong Tin DVD is a documentary tracing the Wing Chun path that Master Chu has trodden, including his unintended encounter with Wing Chun, and his journey in devoting himself to Wing Chun and regarding it as a life-long vision. Apart from a detailed exposition of every hand form of Siu Nim Tau in considerable length, and narrations by Master Chu in person about his learning through to teaching Wing Chun, there are a number of disciples as well as family members profiling the various aspects of the intimacy between Master Chu and Wing Chun. This DVD project has been professionally executed - starting from conception, filming, recording, editing, up to post production works - by a team on industry practitioners. No wonder it would be a good collectible item for those who would want to understand Master Chu and his Wing Chun in depth."
