James Sinclair - UK Wing Chun Assoc 21st Anniversary Celebration
In 2006 the UK Wing Chun Assoc. celebrated 21 years as one of the leading martial arts associations in Britain. For 21 years the UKWCKFA has produced the very best teachers in the art, a fact now recognized worldwide.
Contained herein are demonstrations that took place at the 21st anniversary Celebratory Conference including:
Lots exciting fight sequences - One on One, Multiple Assailant, Chi Sau, Blindfolded etc.
Weapons (Pole and Knives)
Forms - Siu Nim Tao, Cham Kiu, Biu Tze,
Wooden Dummy and more...
Interviews - with Abid Mahmood, Eric Wilson, Nick Martin, Matt Tucker, Ashley Phillips, Gary Cooper, Tony Jaywant, John Cossentine, Mark Solomons, & Paul Spencer. Hear their views on Wing Chun, what motivates them to keep training and enjoy footage of them in action.
Sifu Mark Phillips - Enjoy this detailed profile and see the 'Evolution of a Master' as Sifu talks candidly about his journey, his experience in Hong Kong and so Much more. Rare archive footage of Sifu in his early days, sparring and competing and grappling. A must see!!!
Seminars - Enjoy the three seminars featuring Abid Mahmood Sifu (Back to Wall), Eric Wilson (Guard Skills) and Matt Tucker (Dog Brothers Knife Skills). Plus as an extra there is Archive from 1980 of some Sifu's now retired teaching a multi skill seminar in Essex.
James Sinclair - Shot live at the conference, James just 'Wing's' it with a great introduction to leg skills in the art. Unable to set anything, James just does what he does best, teach and enjoy Wing Chun!
Garry McKenzie Sifu - Salaams from Gary Mckenzie Sifu the Chief Instructor of The Wing Chun School. Here he talks openly of his past and some of the history of James Sinclair
Be sure to read the review of this title from Wing Chun Illustrated on the ShopWingChun blog:
