For Sifu Cangelosi there is only one kind of Kung Fu, those from which every style branches off from one same trunk and a true martial artist should study all of them. In this new video he presents a special work on Chin Na, the Grabbing Art of controlling your opponent. It's not a traditional method of combat but a sophisticated and wide-ranging technical knowledge present in all Chinese martial arts, Tang Lang, Pa Qua or Tai Chi Chuan stand out the most amongst a few.
Through the centuries it underwent a technical evolution incorporating techniques against the joints, pressure points, tendon and muscle blocks, breathing and blood chokes, throws, and different forms of striking. At the advanced levels of Chin Na the use of Chi energy training is always present, and it can be used as an outstanding weapon in which force can be transformed while keeping respect towards your opponent.
An excellent tool to solve any form of situation without violence. In this second video, Master Cangelosi teaches the use of shoulder, elbow, wrist and finger locks.
Languages included in video: English, Espanol, Deutsch, Italiano, Francais
Running Time: Approx 56 minutes
Video Resolution: 720 x 576
