Chu Shong Tin - The Book of Wing Chun Vol 2 (Revised Edition) - Dummy and Weapons: Wooden Dummy, Eight-chopping Knives, Six-point-five Pole and Sharing from Students (Tsui Sheung Tin)
This is Master Chu Song Tin's 2013 book, the second and final volume of his revised edition of "The Book of Wing Chun". The book covers the wooden dummy and the two weapons (swords and pole).
As with all of CST's DVDs and books we are told the printing is limited. At some point all of his previous works were sold out. They happened to make some more, but there is no guarantee more books will be printed in the future.
This is a soft cover book.
We do not Price Match this Book. This book is being offered more as a favor to our customers than anything else. We pay full retail + shipping + credit card fees on both ends + fees for the translation just to get it.
The cost was very high. If you are in OZ or Hong Kong, you might try to get a set directly from the CST Alumni Association to save a few dollars.
From the editor's notes:
"Since The Book of Wing Chun (Revised Edition), Volume 1 was published in 2011, enquiries on the publishing timeline of Volumes 2 and 3 have been mounting. In the past two years, the arrangement of the remaining contents have undergone significant changes several times. Eventually, Volume 2, which is the last volume, is now published.
The first major change was to combine the second (on Wooden Dummy) and third (On Weapons: Eight-chopping Knives and Six-point-five Pole) volumes of the original publication into one single Volume 2 of the Revised Edition. The arrangement of the original edition has resulted in two separate latter volumes in a relatively short length, making the overall content somehow scattered. The Wooden Dummy, Eight-chopping Knives and Six-point-five pole form-sets can be classified as on the application side. This echoes well with Volume 1, of the Revised Edition which focuses on the foundation side, that is, the empty-handed form-sets including Tiny Idea, Detecting Hand-bridges, and Darting Fingers.
As in Volume 1, pictures for demonstrations in Volume 2 were all newly photographed to replace the original line drawings by hand. All the movements shown in the photos are demonstrated by Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin in person, except those in the section 'Preparatory Moves Prior ro Actual Practice of the Pole' of 'Part 8: Six-point-five Pole'. This needs an explanation..." [it is due to health reasons].
