NHB Wing Chun - Ground and Pound 1 & 2 Topics: Sparring/Fighting Technical: DVD-R; NTSC Format (North American); Region Free Description: * Power striking on the ground: How to generate real power on the ground and crush your opponents with your strikes. * Must-know ground techniques. How to avoid common mistakes when striking in the guard and how to develop effective counters that will leave your opponent totally shell-shocked! * Anatomy of a fist: Learn the myths about power striking on the ground and how to develop that explosive focus in your punching. * Up Against It!: Wall drills that will take your stand-up power and control to the next level. Series Description: Body Structure Wing Chun No Holds Barred Fighting! "How to generate phenomenal power on the ground, ultimate pin and punish techniques, develop control and knockout power in your striking!" Do you possess the correct balance of stand-up and ground fighting skills? I'll be honest with you. 99% of the guys I see training out there have got this balance SERIOUSLY wrong! In particular, I see a lot of good stand-up fighters, but it all falls apart when the fight hits the ground. Even as I write this, the 'stand-up or ground' debate rages on in magazines and Internet chat rooms. It seems that so many people are unsure of their chosen art or just plain confused! The answer? Body Structure NHB Wing Chun I know what you're probably thinking: "Wing Chun guys are stand-up fighters, so what's all this about 'No Holds Barred'?" Put simply, our system fully integrates stand-up and ground skills to create explosive all-round fighters. If you think that Wing Chun can't hold its own in NHB, then THINK AGAIN! For the first time, I have decided to release the secrets of Body Structure NHB Wing Chun on a single DVD containing TWO TAPES, packed with the drills and techniques you need. No matter which martial art you currently train, the information on this DVD will transform your approach and turn you into a truly awesome fighter! Stand-up or ground fighter - YOU NEED THIS DVD! With so many grappling arts out there and cross-training becoming so popular, many say there is no excuse for a fighter to be weak on the ground. To be fair, though, there are only so many hours in the day and not everyone wants to pursue a grappling art full on. Whether you're a stand-up fighter who wants to know the secrets of how to beat the ground game or a grappler who wants to develop ultimate ground striking skills, Body Structure NHB Wing Chun is for you! So what's so revolutionary about this DVD? In my view there is a lot of good stuff out there on submissions, but very little on 'ground and pound'. When a competition or street fight goes to the ground, you really don't want to just rely on complex submission techniques. You may get them on, you may not. You may lose the competition, or you may lose your life. The point I'm trying to make is that if you can strike with power and control on the ground, then you really are covered from all angles! This is not a submissions or grappling DVD. This is our method of applying our type of Wing Chun power to the any grappling position. It is not like any Wing Chun you will have seen, so don't even think you know what it is until you see it! Body Structure NHB Wing Chun gives you everything you need to do this with confidence fight after fight: Power striking on the ground - How to generate REAL power on the ground and crush your opponent with your strikes. Must-know guard techniques - How to avoid common mistakes when striking in the guard and how to develop effective counters that will leave your opponent totally shell-shocked! Anatomy of a fist - Learn the myths about power striking on the ground and how to develop that explosive focus in your punching. Up against it! - Wall drills that will take your stand up power and control to the next level. So what's the cost for this amazing DVD? Well, recognize straight away that the information contained in the Body Structure NHB Wing Chun DVD has taken me years and a small fortune to obtain. I have travelled across the world to study with the greatest martial artists and top-flight grapplers. If you were to follow my path and try to amass this knowledge yourself, you would be looking at an end bill of literally hundreds of thousands. This is not to mention having to quit your job and train full-time like I did. Well, put your mind at rest. I really have done all the hard work for you! At the very least, I could easily sell these tapes separately for the retail value of $65.99 EACH. I should therefore be charging at least $130-$140 for a single DVD that contains BOTH tapes! I'm not going to charge you that though. The Body Structure NHB Wing Chun DVD, packed with all the secrets of how to become an ultimate all-round fighter, can be yours for the special DISCOUNT price of only $55.00 My friends and students think I'm mad giving away a resource like this for such a LOW, LOW PRICE, but I know it's a good investment because once you have seen the way we train our striking ground skills, you will want to know even more about our training methodology! I may even see you soon as a personal student of mine! Whatever your chosen martial art or current level, the Body Structure NHB Wing Chun DVD will give you the skills and confidence you need to really transform your striking! Sincerely, Alan Orr P.S. Check out what are saying! Series Testimonials: "Alan, I really enjoyed your Wing Chun NHB videos a lot, they are some of the best videos I've seen on the topic. I think you did an excellent job, and hope you keep putting out more media in this series. I believe that one day we will see some excellent Wing Chun fighters at the top of the more popular NHB tournaments and right now your videos go along ways toward furthering this goal. I hope the people that buy them practice and hone their skills." Aaron Cantrell, Founder of the Wing Chun Archive "This Wing Chun NHB DVD is EXPLOSIVE! Apart from being a high-quality production, I find the information that this two-tape DVD contains to be invaluable for anyone serious about striking skill on the ground. Whether you are practicing Wing Chun and need to know how to use the principles on the ground, a NHB fighter or just a "regular" martial artist, this DVD is a must-have for anyone realizing that striking skills on the ground are crucial for your martial ability." Kim Elman, Sweden "Alan's previous VHS series was outstanding, probably the best material on actually using WCK ever put on video. Check it out." Renie Richie "I got the Wing Chun NHB DVD and for a package that offers information for NHB and self defense in a street situation, I've never come across something that covers both simultaneously. There IS a difference between NHB competitions and street self defense. Submissions may be cool for NHB but risky in street encounters. But this tape is not about submissions as in joint locks and submissions, because your opponent is knocked down, and from every angle (yes even on the ground). So this tape is a good guide for NHB comps, but also you don't have to train separately for a street self defense as what you will learn can be adapted for both. There is another bonus about it also and this holds especially for Wing Chun practitioners. At the beginning there is a Chi Sau demonstration, but what makes it different from other styles of Chi Sau is that for the first time I saw that Chi Sau can be used in combat, and not as a training method." Charles, Malta "Having eagerly awaited this DVD I can honestly say it does not disappoint. The NHB techniques are explained and demonstrated in a way that a martial artist of any ability or discipline would be able to follow and appreciate. Awesome!" Anthony Hull, UK "Humble and honest teaching of the truth. The messages are directly to the point, very realistic, and walk the walk. It's a must see for all the true fighters and real martial artists." Robert Ting, LA, USA
