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DIT-DA-JOW: Shaolin - (Healing/Injury/Cold) - Bone Bruise - 4 oz
Dit Da Jow - Bone Bruise 4 oz

This liniment treats the deeper levels of the limbs and back, such as acute joint, tendon, or bone injury. An application will help break up stagnated energy, ease pain, and quicken the body's own natural healing processes. Practitioners of stick fighting arts like Kali, Arnis and Escrima can use this liniment to reduce the severity of swollen fingers. Learn More >>
Our Price: $22.00

Stock Status: Out of Stock

Availability: Usually ships in 24-48 Hours
Product Code: JOW-SB-114

Description Notices / Warranty
Dit Da Jow - Bone Bruise - 4 oz

Type: Cold Dit Da Jow (Cooling sensation - condenses Chi in the applied areas).

Use/Description: This liniment treats the deeper levels of the limbs and back, such as acute joint, tendon, or bone injury; bone bruise will prevent energy stagnation in the local area. Swelling, stiffness, and black and blue marks will be resolved and speed the healing of the bone. Even in the case of an old sprain, application of this liniment will help break up stagnated energy, ease pain, and quicken the body's own natural healing processes. Practitioners of stick fighting arts like Kali, Arnis and Escrima can use this liniment to reduce the severity of swollen fingers.
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